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Project Consulting
Dr. rer. nat. Thilo Reski


    IT projects lead to substantial automation of business processes. First, automation requires a deep knowlege of the processes to be automated. Second, broad knowledge of tools and methodologies for automation is needed. Then, the business processes must be mapped onto the best of the avaiable tools and methods.

    Two of the above mentioned tasks are taken over by experienced business experts and IT product experts. In general the expert groups face each other and try to set up and agree a mapping of business to technology.

    The deeper the knowledge of the experts, the better for the tasks, but the smaller is the experts’ overview and the more difficulties occur in achieving the best mapping.

    Due to different focus of the business side and  the IT developers the mapping task may be the source of big problems in IT projects. Sometimes, this fact is underestimated.

My Approach

    Applying hard and soft skills, I will act as the interface between business unit and development unit. This avoids the above problem and helps reaching the objectives.

    Due to my experience I quickly pick up the respective business processes. In many cases process definitions contain gaps or are incomplete from IT view. I have practise in identifying and eliminating such flaws. Despite this, my broad technical background helps with the evaluation of available alternatives in terms of development cost, production costs, gain, performance, side effects, security, acceptance, installation and other business aspects.


Projects (summary):
Mapping and extension of business processes, IT systems concept (Achive systems, EDM, Telecommunications), training, Project Office, Project Management (progress, budget and resources), data migration, interface design, integration, test, performance test, installation.

Energy supplier, energy network provider, plant installation, telecommunication.


Computer Science and Economics
Graduation (Diplom Informatik) 1989

Doctoral Thesis, Dr. rer. nat., 1999:
“Mapping and Parallel, Distributed Simulation of
Neural Networks on Message Passing Multiprocessors”
Direct Download:
(ps, 3.5 MB), (ps, ziped, 0.6 MB), (ps and pdf, ziped, 2.2 MB)

Place and year of birth

Essen, 1960

